The Blessing of Babies

Last week we put the winter tires on our car. I was sitting in the Fred Meyer deli area nursing my baby while our car was worked on elsewhere. He fell asleep and I nestled him into his stroller so we could walk around. At the same time there was a elderly man there reading a cowboy book. I passed him on our walk around the store.

My husband came to Fred Meyer later so I circled back to the deli. The elderly man was still there. He came up to us and asked to see the baby. My kiddo woke up and blinked his almond shaped blue eyes up at the gentleman. The gentleman laughed and commented on how cute he was. The man explained that he was 84 years old and he told us that he and his wife had no grandchildren. His son had been divorced since he was in his early 20s and his daughter was married to a man who couldn’t have kids. He said, sadly, “We should have had grandchildren but that’s how it is. But this little one, he is something pretty special.”

I could have cried.

When I was pregnant I thought that I would be very protective of my baby. I would be picky about who held him, and I would make sure he was covered whenever he was in his car seat. But then I gave birth and real life happened and it costs like 15 dollars to ship a carseat cover to Alaska and that plan fell apart. I am glad my plan fell apart though. I’ve been very humbled by how much of a blessing a baby can be to strangers. This man hasn’t been an exception. My shopping trips are filled with smiles as people spot my boy in the cart. I’ve seen downcast faces perk up when they spot his soft cheeks and shiny eyes. I’ve had women jump into life when they see him in the shopping cart while I am picking out milk.

“He’s so focused already. Thanks for letting me see him.”

“Look at that smile. What a cutie. Thank you for sharing him with me.”

It’s so humbling knowing that someone so little can make such a difference on a person’s day. It reminds me that every person has something about them that is very special. Don’t get me wrong. I believe in boundaries and he is always in my line of sight. But it feels like I can give a special gift to people who may need a little gift that day. Maybe he reminds them of their grandchildren. Maybe he reminds them of their kids. Maybe he reminds them of themselves, and how life can move so quickly. Whatever it is that he does it’s something that isn’t measurable. Who am I to hoard that gift to myself?

I don’t want to put false expectations on him. He will grow up to be his own person. But I do want him to be a blessing to the world. He can do that even now, with just a smile and a sneeze. I can protect him, but I can also let him shine. It’s what I am called to do. This boy was given to me to be a blessing to more than just me. If I can safely share him and brighten a few days, then I think we are doing a good job. I don’t know everything about motherhood and I need to be willing to have flexible plans and ideas. It’s a humbling vocation but it’s my favorite vocation of all.


Author: Marissa

Marissa. Believer. Wife. Mother. Friend.

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